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Skydog..."Master of the Universe"

American Pit Bull Terrier "Forged In U.S.A"
Created by GOD...Condemned by Ignorance"
According to national statistics 40% of all repoted dog bites are Pit Bulls...what they don't tell you is 90% of all dog bites go unreported. That means 4% of all dog bites are committed by Pit Bulls.
15 people a year get killed by dogs (less than half are by Pit Bulls)
50,000 people get killed in automobile accidents
400,000 people a year die from smoking cigarettes
Laws are being enacted all over the country in an attempt to eradicate Americian Pit Bull Terriers,
based on lies, misrepresentation of facts, and in many cases, media fueled genocidial propaganda.
Liberty and Justice for all?
Layla "Tuff Stuff"
American Pit Bull Terriers are 17th on the list of problem biters...what breeds are at the top of the list?
German Shepherds
Cocker Spaniels
Golden Retrievers
American Pit Bull Terriers (though called by different names) have been with man for thousands of years. They are depicted on Egyptian pyramids (called alaunts). Extinction is FOREVER.
I was recently reading on another web site that if you have a neighbor who has more than 3 dogs on chains in his yard, has a treadmill and a spring rope, you should call the authorities and report them for dog fighting. I have show dogs, I have a treadmill and a spring rope. The treadmill I use to condition my dogs for shows and the spring rope I have to let the dogs play. You should never let an American Pit Bull Terrier run around loose. The PROPER way to contain a Pit Bull is to keep them chained up to a strong tree or an automobile axle sunk into the ground. I only have 2 dogs so it's easy for me to keep my dogs in the house. But if I breed my dogs or get additional dogs for my breeding program, they will have to be on chains in the yard. How many people do you know who have Pigs or Sheep or Chickens or Horses, keep their ANIMALS in the house. They are ANIMALS. As I watch the news on a daily basis, listeing to debates about whether or not we should attack Iraq in one sentence and why wasn't 9-11 prevented in the next sentence. I wonder what happened to America. They talk about preserving Freedom. Yet they tell you to call the authorities on your neighbor if he has Pit Bulls in his yard. In the past month 2 children have been attacked by Bears in the NY, neither would have occured if they owned Pit Bulls. More people have been killed by Mosquitos in Illinois this year, then have been killed by Pit Bulls in the whole country in 10 years. To quote Weaser from the Little Rascals "Leave my Dog Alone!"
"Lets Play Kong"
Don't think they'll stop at Pit Bulls...whose favorite breed is next...Yours?
GOD created Pit Bulls...do you think HE made a mistake
"Set in Stone"

a 5.00 bill from the state of Georgia, Notice the Pit Bull in the lower left hand corner...circa 1860
Collier's magazine...1946
What's Russia Up To?
"His Master's Voice"
The World Famous image of Thomas Edison's American Pit Bull Terrier "Nipper"
Buster Brown and Tige.
An old ad from the Evening Post
Life Magazine 1927
One of several covers of Life magazine featuring a Pit Bull
Another Life magazine cover 1941
The American Pit Bull Terrier was once highly regarding in this country for it's unwavering Courage and Loyalty

March 1912 issue of Life magazine
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I'm sure no matter how much I tried to impress the virtues of the American Pit Bull Terrier, many would say "You just feel that way because you own them". So I pose this question to the intelligent reader... Why were American Pit Bull Terriers on World War 1 Patriotism posters?...On the cover of Life and Collier's magazines?...The nation's highest decorated canine war hero? Owned by such people as President Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas Edison, Fred Astaire, Mary Tyler-Moore, and Helen Keller? You decide. But think about it the next time your watching some "Fair and Balanced" reporting by a manipulator and liar like Bill O'Rielly. Fair and Balanced or Misleading and Manipulating. I own Pit Bulls, I know the truth.
Art Bell is a communist and a Nazi.